Tuesday, October 18, 2016

E.F The Fastest Man In The World

I’m Usain Bolt standing around cheering to my fans in the stadium. My fans are saying good luck Usain Bolt I hope you win.

Three two one Go!! I am as fast as a motor bike. I also feel the wind smashing through my face when I was racing United states came second and I didn’t know who came third. I ran fast around the court and I crossed the finish line.

I took off my shoes and hold my flag for my country. All my fans people just keep saying go Usain Bolt. I see people taking pictures of me and I was so sweaty from the race that I almost touched people while I was gross and sweaty. When I rushed to my fans they were taking selfies of me and they were holding me tight like a soft teddy bear they were surrounding me like soldiers in a circle.

I won a shiney gold medal from the judges and that was a long